Daffodils with ladybug in watercolor - create colour harmony in your paintings

Highlights – How to save them – if lost, how to get them back ?

When we paint with watercolors then we have always to make sure that we need to save our highlights. Especially when painting with watercolors we know that for our highlights we will use the white of the paper. And the best way to save our highlights…
Daffodils with ladybug in watercolor - create colour harmony in your paintings

Edges – soft, hard, lost! How important are they?

Edges are very important in our paintings. When painting we always must be aware about them. In my Watercolor Videos you always hear me saying "soften your edges". Different kind of edges help us to make our paintings looking real, looking…
how to know when your flower painting is finished

Is your floral painting really finished? Check list for a professional flower painting.

So you have painted now your beautiful flower, have added the leaves and the background. But is your flower painting finished? Check list for a successful flower painting CHECK LIST for a professional flower painting: Edges - Are…
How to paint hydrangeas
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Paint Instructions for Hydrangeas

For my new Watercolor Flower DVD I added a section of Paint Instructions for Hydrangeas. I loved especially to show how to paint the multi coloured petals of the blue hydrangea. There are areas of pink, purple, blue and green. I show how…
Daffodils with ladybug in watercolor - create colour harmony in your paintings

How to create colour harmony in flower paintings

When we create a flower paintings then we need to make sure that the flower, the leaves and also the background build a whole. We need to make sure that we create colour harmony. The complete flower painting shouldn't look like a puzzle…