

Pink Rose in oil and a WIP of the Rose “Elfe” (Fairy Rose)

In my previous post I mentioned that I was working on a pink Rose in oil. Today I finished this painting. It needed longer then  I thought, because I really needed to get a feeling for the oil colours again. But with each brushstroke I was…

E-book endlich in deutsch erhältlich – E-book finally in german available

My E-book "How to paint realistic flowers in watercolor?" is finally in german language available. It has needed really long time, but now it is there. I am currently working on a large new figurative painting. There are so many things…

Merry Christmas with Eden Rose

I am wishing you all MERRY CHRISTMAS. I hope you are all having a peaceful and happy time within your family. This Eden Rose  (Pierre de Ronsard) is another watercolor painting. Size is 12,8"x17,6", painted on coldpressed Arches…
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Testing Schoellerhammers Illustration Board in watercolor

A friend  was so kind to send me some of Schoellerhammers Illustration board and I wanted to try it out with watercolors. The surface is very smooth and it was not too bad to paint on it. Although I like the result I am not sure if I really…
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And more small paintings

And again I am late with my posts. I have done more small paintings, so here is an update: Sunflower, 3"x6" inch, watercolor Red Daylily, 4"x5", watercolor Yellow Hibiscus, 6"x6", watercolor Sunflower, 5"x7", watercolor Rose,…