Figurative Painting of a young child sitting at the water and a black cat sitting in a tree – watercolor paintings
Figurative Painting of a young little girl sitting at a river with wet feet. A black cat painting in watercolor of a cat sitting in a tree and overlooking the scene. Watercolor artwork. Figürliches Gemälde in Aquarell mit einem jungen Mädchen in rosa Hose und weißem Shirt mit rosa Schuhen sitzt an einem Fluss und hat nasse Füsse. Realistische Malerei. Katzen Aquarellbild von einer schwarzen Katze, die in einem Baum sitzt. Aquarellmalerei.
Portrait Painting and a figurative woman painting in watercolor
Portrait painting of a young blonde hair teenager with sunlight in watercolor. Figurative woman study of a brown hair girl in white dress on light background. Realistic paintings in watercolor.
More Roses on my Rosesblog
I painted some more Roses. The Rose Heritage from David Austin, a pink and a red Rose and a small painting of the Rose New Dawn.
You can view the images here on my Rosesblog.